September 3, 2023

Envy: Sin Against God

Passage: Genesis 37:3-36; Philippians 2:3-18
Service Type:

Audio Only

I don’t think ANYONE escapes some time in their life when they were not envious of something/someone!  It’s our nature, but we must continually ask God to help brush that off and be extremely happy for them instead.  Just a few synonyms for the word envious (I looked it up) are:
longing for, coveting, begrudging, distrustful, suspicious, aspiring . . . .
WOW!   I read the text (since I always tell you guys to) and we had left off at Joseph having the coat of many colors made for him by his dad.  So now, Joseph’s brothers were still so angry that they wanted to kill him, and ending up selling him into slavery, but then told their father that he had been killed!

Envy: Sin Against God