SUNDAY WORSHIP – 10:00 – 11:45

What to Expect…

The pastor preaches in an expository manner (verse by verse, book by book, as opposed to topical preaching) in the redemptive, grammatical-historical tradition (as opposed to the exemplary form). He is covenantal, presuppositional and leans toward amillennialism. He actually still believes the Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God, and in a 6, 24-hour day creation! The church practices infant baptism and leaves the age of communion to the discretion of the parents.

The service is moderately liturgical with the common elements of 1) a Call to Worship, 2) an Invocation, 3) Song(s) of Praise, 4) Reading of the Law, 5) Confession of Sin, 6) Declaration of Pardon, 7) Confession of Faith, 8) Pastoral Prayer, 9) Offering, 10) Song(s) of Preparation, 11) Scripture Reading, 12) Sermon, 13) Weekly Communion, 14) Song(s) of Communion, and 15) the Benediction.

The music consists of modern hymns and worship songs from artists and groups like Stuart Townend, Keith and Kristyn Getty, Indelible Grace, Sovereign Grace Music and Red Mountain Music.

Order of Worship


Call to Worship

Song Selection(s) 

Old Testament Reading

New Testament Reading

Silent Confession of Sin

Corporate Confession of Sin

Declaration of Pardon

Song Selection(s)



Pastoral Prayer


Song Selection


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